3dfx Voodoo3 3500 TV

by Anand Lal Shimpi on August 3, 1999 2:29 AM EST


Had the Voodoo3 3500 been released with the rest of the Voodoo3 line earlier this year, it would've been an easy recommendation to make.  However now, close to the year's end, a "go out and pick one up" recommendation is very difficult to make.  The 3500 will set you back at least $200 with the current estimates at cost being around $250, and even for a gaming solution, that is pushing the budget quite a bit.  If you do happen to have $250 to kill, here's another thing you need to take into consideration: the true "next-generation" graphics accelerators are going to begin shipping before the year's end, we've all known about this and it should come as no surprise, so investing $250 in the fastest 3dfx product today will most likely take you out of the running for spending $250 in 2 - 3 months on a product that'll most likely give you 2 - 3x the gaming performance.

If you need a graphics card now, your best bet would be to buy the cheapest thing you can get your hands on that does the job you need it to do.  The Voodoo3 3500 TV is a decent solution, but at this point in time it won't be a sound investment, there is too much just around the corner for the 3500 TV to be a "good deal." 

3dfx has basically committed to an October release of their next generation product, and with rumors flying around about a September release of NVIDIA's next product, do you really want to spend $250 on "old" technology?


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