Xigmatek NRP-HC1001 and NRP-HC1201 Power Supplies
by Christoph Katzer on April 13, 2008 12:00 PM EST- Posted in
- Cases/Cooling/PSUs
Cables and Connectors

The cable harnesses are very high quality and each of the harnesses is sleeved up to the last connector. This makes a very good impression but frankly doesn’t help the performance. All of the graphics card harnesses have an additional small ferrite core around them just prior to the connector. They say this helps to lower the ripple effect. There are eight SATA and Molex connectors, with decent lengths of up to 44”/110cm.

The ATX cable harnesses and the PEG harnesses are all 20”/50cm long. With six PEG connectors, one might think the company would include different lengths of harness as the graphics cards are usually one below the other. It seems we will need to wait for this kind of addition.
The Fan

There is a Yate Loon 140mm fan installed. The website shows a maximum of 2600RPM and 48dB(A) of acoustic noise. During our tests we fortunately didn’t measure RPMs that high, and therefore the noise level was also lower.
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mttcrlsn - Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - link
When will people wise up that probably 90% do not need anything more than a good, correctly rated PSU. Even when I was doing SLI on an 8800GTS system I maxed out at about 500W. Processors were once space heaters and power hogs but that has done a 180 turn as people wanted computers to be better. Soon GPUs will be doing the same, storage is already getting more power efficient and memory is as well. This idea of marketing of uber high power supplies is going to end soon and may already be ending as the cost of energy heads to the sky. So as some companies continue to beat the dead horse others are now marketing power efficiency and quietness - who wants to work next to a 747 pushing out heat in their office?royalcrown - Sunday, April 20, 2008 - link
Amen to that ! As a side mote...it is good to see GPUs FINALLY getting off of the 90nm mode ! They also need to put the crap on the top side as hot air rises...duh, why do they keep putting the hot side towards the FLOOR ?!michal1980 - Monday, April 14, 2008 - link
lets save you are on a 15 amp circuit.if you have perfect 120v power= 15ax120v = 1800wats. at 85% efficeny = 1530 watt power supply
it its 110 volts = 15x110 = 1650watts = 1402 watt power supply.
dont plug your monitor/speakers/ lights on that cirucit or your going to start blowing fuses.
royalcrown - Sunday, April 20, 2008 - link
it's not a wise idea to plug something in with 2 cords as you have risks if each cord is on a separate circuit, you risk having a voltage potential (greater charge on 1 side of the circuit) and that CAN be unsafe...strikeback03 - Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - link
I'll check when I get home, but I don't think anything in our house is less than a 20A breaker. And a 20A breaker won't typically trip till somewhere over 30A is drawn through it, so you still have some margin for more ridiculous power supplies.mttcrlsn - Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - link
Typical home wiring is 14 gauge with a 15amp max - NO EXCEPTIONS. In order for one to use a 20amp then the wire must be 12 gauge. This is the per the NEC. If it is a 120V 20A receptacle, one side will have a slot, the other will have a "T". As for getting 30A on a 20A breaker - I would get rid of that breaker as it is not rated correctly / is defective.HOOfan 1 - Monday, April 14, 2008 - link
Like this one?http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N8...">http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N8...
nubie - Monday, April 14, 2008 - link
Well, I was wondering something similar, and that is why don't we run dedicated 220v to the PC in our houses here in the US?Even if we don't use all of the power, all of our devices will be running more efficiently. If you have a direct line to your PC already you can change the outlet and add a circuit breaker (that connects to the other bus-bar) for making 220v.
In reality, notice what they already said, they are running a clocked quad with lots of hard drives and tri-sli 8800 Ultra on a PC Power 860.
I agree with them, you can't load it more than 500w (idle?), even with an extreme system like that. You are really just spinning up all those hard drives and charging all those caps when you start the PC (SATA with delayed spin-up?).
I am still using my PC Power Silencer 470, and wondering why it isn't rated for SLi, clearly it can do it, and probably overclocked with a couple hard drives. If you take a second look at those PC-Power ads, they are telling the truth. Their components are industrial grade, and rated for high load + high temps. I don't mean to say that their competitors can't handle a load, but my Silencer has never ramped up, I never even hear it over my hard drive, and this is a pretty nice one from a Tivo2.
B3an - Monday, April 14, 2008 - link
Dont know if it was mentioned in the article because i hardly read any, but from the pics, these PSU's look exactly like the Thermaltake ToughPower PSU's. I have a 1200w ToughPower and as far as i can see there is no difference between them.So WTF is going on? Same PSU but rebadged?
C'DaleRider - Monday, April 14, 2008 - link
Both the Thermaltake ToughPower supply you have and the Xigmatek in this review are both rebadged CWT builds, which is why yours and this one look alike. Tt and Xigmatek are the rebadgers, CWT is the maker. It's just like Seasonic is the manufacturer of numerous other branded power supplies like Corsair's HX line and PC Power and Cooling's Silencer line. Open up a Seasonic, Corsair HX, and a PCP&C Silencer and you'll find, outside fan arrangement and heatsink choices for the fan arrangements, almost mirror image power supplies.