Kingston DataTraveler Elite

While the rest of Kingston's DataTraveler line is fairly normal in size, the DataTraveler Elite is huge. The drive itself is actually not that much bigger in dimensions than the DataTraveler and DataTraveler II/II+ migo, but the design of the drive makes it feel and seem much larger.

Despite its larger dimensions, the DataTraveler Elite isn't really any heavier than its siblings, and it is still built just as well as the other Kingston drives.

What does a bulkier drive get you? Much better performance - up to 4GB capacities and a hardware-based encryption engine. While Kingston's other drives rely on the SecureTraveler application to create a password-protected secure partition, the Elite's TravelerSafe+ software lets you create a 128-bit AES encrypted partition where all of the data is encrypted before being written.

The benefit of an encrypted partition is added security because it takes a lot less time to brute force a password than it does a 128-bit encryption key; although, neither is obviously full-proof. The important point to make here is that the Elite's flash controller features a built-in hardware encryption engine, so all of the encryption/decryption calculations are done in real time, thus not slowing down the drive at all. We obviously tested Kingston's claims, and our findings supported their claims - performance didn't drop with encryption enabled.

Our only real complaint about the Elite is its size. We would definitely prefer something smaller. If you can deal with the added bulk, the Elite is a very competitive option from Kingston.

From top to bottom, Kingston DataTraveler Elite, Kingston DataTraveler II drive, a AA battery and a 9V battery.

Obviously, you end up paying a decent amount more for the Elite, with the 1GB version commanding about a $20 premium over the DataTraveler II.

 Kingston DataTraveler Elite
Sizes Available 256MB - 4GB
Lanyard Included No
USB Extension Cable Included No
Data Encryption Yes (Windows only)
Password Protection Yes (Windows Only)
Secure + Public Partitions Simultaneously Accessible No
Flash Controller M-Systems
Flash Memory Samsung K9F2G08U0M
Warranty 5 years

Kingston DataTraveler II+ migo Lexar JumpDrive Lightning
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  • sxr7171 - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - link

    Time to get a Lexar JumpDrive lightning. This may not be important to a lot of people, but a USB drive IMHO needs to have a loop for a keyring. It is the most convenient way to carry the thing and always have it with you no matter what. I guess this applies more to people living in the city and not needing a car and the big bulky car keys/remote that come with that.
  • TheInvincibleMustard - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - link

    Speaking of, is there some reason the Lexar isn't on the RTPE? I mean, it did just win an Editor's Choice and all, so you'd hope it would be one of the drives listed in the newly-announced Flash Storage section ... :(

  • Pete84 - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - link

    Bummer, OCZ's dual channel USB stick didn't get in.
  • jkostans - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - link

    Someone didn't read the article......
  • SpaceRanger - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - link

    Are USB drives able to be made Bootable?? I know that systems can recognize USB Floppy Drives, and boot from those, but I was wondering if you could take a USB Flash Drive and make it a bootable device.
  • Phantronius - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - link

    depending on the flash drive and the motherboard BIOS, yes you can do it.
  • Phantronius - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - link


    I love my OEM made from some pretty lady in china USB 2.0 stick, its saved my ass so many times for my work, especially in data reterival and spyware removal.
  • Souka - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - link

    I've had the Memina Rocket for a couple months now....before they even announced it (thanks to NewEgg)....write spead defintly kinda bite with small files especially, but usually I put drivers and stuff there once, then read mutliple its a good match for me.

    PQI's I got over a year ago, and completely made everyone jealous.... for once, mem were bragging theirs is smaller than someone else's. :D

    I still use a SanDisk Titanium.....only a 512mb module, but still works well.

  • Souka - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 - link


    meant to say...

    PQI's I got over a year ago for my office, and completely made everyone jealous.... for once, men were bragging theirs was smaller!! :D

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