Constructing a database benchmark (average load)

Our first new benchmark was custom written in .NET, using ADO.NET to connect to the database. The AnandTech Forums database, which is over 14GB in size at the time of the benchmark, was used as the source database. We'll dub this benchmark tool "SQL Loader" for the purposes of discussing what it does.

SQL Loader allows us to specify the following: an XML based workload file for the test, how long the test should run, and how many threads it should use with which to load the database. The XML workload file contains queries that we want executed against the database, and some random ID generator queries that populate a memory resident array with ID's to be used in conjunction with our workload queries. The purpose of using random ID's is to keep the test as real-world as possible by selecting random data. This test should give us a lot of room for growth, as the workload can be whatever we want in future tests.

Example workload:

< workload>



<code>select * from privatemessages where imessageid = @pmessageid</code>







<rcode>select imessageid,newid() as pmsgid from privatemessages order by pmsgid</rcode>



< /workload>

A screenshot of the SQL Loader

Test Information

The workload used for the test was based on every day use of the Forums, which are running FuseTalk. We took the most popular queries and put them in the workload. Functions, such as reading threads and messages, getting user information, inserting threads and messages, and reading private messages, were in the spotlight. Each iteration of the test was run for 10 minutes, with the first being from a cold boot. SQL was restarted in between each test that was run consecutively.

The importance of this test is that it is as real world as you can get; for us, the performance in this test directly influences what upgrade decisions we make for our own IT infrastructure.

Hyper Threading and The Tests AnandTech Forums Database Test Results
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  • Jason Clark - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    Pumpkin not point is that we used a standard shipping opteron system. I'm not questioning that Opterons support DDR400 or that if you wanted to "tweak" out a server (which is rarely done) that you could. My point is that currently quad opterons are shipping with DDR333 (what we tested). I'm sure (as I said) that down the road ddr400 will be a reality for the boxed/packaged systems but obviously right now it is not. All 4 systems that were shipped to us all came with ddr33 not ddr400.

  • Jeff7181 - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    I'm surprised nobody has speculated about who the corporation was that helped do the testing.

    I'll speculate that it was =)
  • Jeff7181 - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    I 2nd #15 motion for pics =)
  • DBBoy - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    Taken from an artilce on the new 4MB L3 products.

    The new 3-GHz Xeon MP with 4 Mbytes of cache is listed by Intel as available for $3,692 each in quantities of 1,000.
  • Tessel8 - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    Why do all of the benchmark results page refer to "Potomac" as the 2-way Xeon 3.2GHz processor. This is absolutely not correct (maybe you are refering to Prestonia?).

    Ex. The results are split up into two categories: 2-way and 4-way setups. Remember that the 3.2GHz Potomac based Xeon is only available in 2-way configurations and is thus absent from the 4-way graphs.

    I believe only the last paragraph on the last page is the only one refering to the correct Potomac processor.
  • Pumpkinierre - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    #30 Jason, Your statement would be in conflict with your previous server comparison article(

    "Just recently, the x48 parts were launched, and with them, the Opteron gained support for DDR400 memory. Support for DDR400 has trickled down to all members of the Opteron family, but only certain revisions of the CPUs support DDR400"

    I certainly thought they released 4 new DDR400 opterons late last year, covering all configs. At any rate it is the 2way that is in question and you had 2way 533MHz Xeons so, by rights, you should have used opteron 248s as this would be what an customer interested in this configuration would buy. The price of these is half again of the 848 making them even more attractive:

    You had two 248s in that last server article but again used DDR333. The photo on Pg 2 showed one of the opterons as an "AM" revision which, you state in the article, qualifies for DDR400 support. Of course, if these cpus, DDR400 Reg. modules or enabled Mobo were not on hand then it cant be helped and as you say the DDR333 setup still shows the Xeon memory structural problem.

  • TrogdorJW - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - link

    Wow... given that the 533 FSB on the 2-way Xeons easily makes up for the difference in cache size, I'm amazed that Intel hasn't actually validated an 800 FSB Xeon solution. Then again, Intel is *SO* cautious with introducing advancements in technology, especially in the server/enterprise markets. Not only would they have to validate the faster CPU, but the motherboard and chipset validation would probably take them a year at least. (Who knows... they might be working on this as we speak.) Too bad the P4EE aren't dual-CPU capable (I think) - that would be interesting to see benchmarks. Not that any real corporation would dare to go that route, but still, interesting.

    It will be interesting to see what happens with the Nocoma cores (and later Potomac). The 1 MB L2 cache can help out in desktop applications and more or less overcome the longer pipeline, but on Xeons where you're already running 2 MB L3 cache, I don't know that it will be as useful. Then again, the 800 FSB will probably more than make up for the deeper pipeline.

    Needless to say, Intel definitely has some work to do. I'm waiting for them to migrate the Pentium M (P6 core with improvements) back to the desktop. Heheheh....
  • lneves - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - link

    Can you guys share the "SQL Loader" benchmark tool and the scripts used?
  • Jason Clark - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - link

    Grayswan, each proc had 1 gb as that is how it has to be configured.

    More thoughts on DDR400. After doing a bit more reading I've confirmed that most all quad opterons ship with ddr333 so our tests conformed to what was available at the time of testing. Testing something that isn't a standard shipping configuration doesn't help people making a buying decision now. Most all quad opterons won't be hand built by an organization, they will be ordered as complete systems. Maybe later on this year we'll see a shift to ddr 400 and we can run some numbers.

  • Grayswan - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - link

    What was the memory organization on the opterons? All memory on 1 proc? 2 modules on each proc? Also the 4-way opteron diagrom on P.3 shows each proc only using 2 interconnects. I believe all 3 are used so the diagram should be "crossbar"ish.

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