DirecTV and Viiv

On our first day in Vegas we got a preview of ATI's OCUR device; as we mentioned in the article, the OCUR will be used to bring CableCard support to PCs with Windows Vista later this year. While at the show, DirecTV announced a relationship with Intel that could potentially result in a very similar capability for DirecTV owners.

The idea is that sometime in the future, DirecTV users will be able to connect their Viiv PC to their DirecTV receiver and share content between the two. The goal is to be able to not only gain access to movies, pictures and music stored on the Viiv PC but also to use the Viiv PC as a HD-DVR for your DirecTV channels.


There are absolutely no details on the implementation or expected availability, all we know is that DirecTV and Intel are working on the solution and that we can expect it sometime in the future. Given Microsoft and ATI's commitment to deliver CableCard support to the PC by the end of this year, we'd estimate that DirecTV would want to be able to promise the same HD/premium content support under Vista to their subscribers as soon as possible as well.

The Viiv PC at the DirecTV booth was yet another Intel reference design, however it was a non-functioning sample.

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